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Главная » Статьи » Газета "Академия" » Газета №2 апрель2005

What is important for the profession of manager?

What is important for the profession of manager?


The profession of manager is not so easy, as it seems for the first time. Nowadays, the term “manager” is used uncorrectly. Being a manager, in a right meaning of this word, provides for having a knowledge of many different sciencies. On my opinion, the profession of manager should be well-educated, nice, dress to look, clean and neat, show confidence, polite, listen carefully and speak clearly. So, among daily duties of manager are attending a lot of meetings and seeing people. Working with nice people is very important is being able to tell other people what to do and do it in a right way, so they can understand their task and cope with it, in order to give the manager an expected result. Being able to learn new things is important too, because a manager should know all the latest news to take the right decisions of present interest. For taking decisions freedom is compulsory.

This profession involves doing quite a lot of paper work. Managers have regular working hours, but sometimes they must work extra hours to provide an effective work of the department or the whole company and their workers. Being a part of a team and getting on well with the subordinates is necessary. Manager, as a boss, must know well their problems wishes and soon. Good working conditions prospects for promotion, long holidays security, good pay and pension, travelling are also very important for the manager as for any other profession. Managers also travel a lot, so they are obliged to know foreign languages as any other well-educated person. In one word, the profession of manager puts one under great obligations.


Категория: Газета №2 апрель2005 | Добавил: amsu (06.03.2008)
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